Thanksgiving is like the Super Bowl for foodies. Lots of hype, lots of preparation, and of course, lots of food (but none of the bad commercials). In typical fashion, I am scrambling to get organized for Thanksgiving as we are hosting Thanksgiving dinner at our house. As I sat at my kitchen table trying to put together a game plan this weekend, I turned to this post I put together last year: Last Minute Thanksgiving Day Prep.
It's a helpful playbook on how to get ready for the big game day. Move over Belichick ;-)
From our table to yours, wishing you a great Thanksgiving!
A person can taste sweet, sour, salty and bitter. And then there's umami. Yummy in Japanese, umami is a savory taste and is considered the fifth taste. Check in as I chronicle kid-tested recipes and my experience at some of the best eateries with two tots in tow.